The Fort Wayne Ball Drop team is heartbroken to announce the cancellation of this year’s NYE events. The safety and best interest of the community are most important to the team.
Our goal each year is to bring together people and foster the connections within our community. Last year, we had the privilege to partner with the Associated Churches Food Bank to help raise funds, food, and awareness of the impactful services they provide to those in need. This year, more people are turning to organizations like Associated Churches Food Bank during this unprecedented time. We encourage those in our community to lend a hand in whatever way you can.
Donate food to any of our food pantries listed here:
Food Pantries
Mail or drop a donation off at Associated Churches
602 E. Wayne St., Fort Wayne, 46802
Monetary donations are accepted here under the Neighborhood Food Network
or text 2020food to 44-321
The great thing about New Year’s Eve is that a new year will come whether we are able to celebrate together or not.
Although we are unable to celebrate together, a new year will come.
This event is made possible by: